Thursday, October 13, 2011

How to make sure a healthy GUT and prevent cancer.

This is very important video : How to remove bloating/constipation by Dr Mercola. From a cancer perspective it is so so important. Sugar...

Here is the gist:
1. Your gut is responsible for 80% of your function immune system. Mind and mood is also control by your gut.Your gut is a second brain
2. You basically want to nourish good bacteria and get rid of bad bacteria in the gut.
3. Eliminate sugar even fruit juices and especially artificial sweeteners. They act as fertilizers for bad bacteria.
4. Vegetables are good and pre-biotics. Fermented food are good and they reproduced good. Commercial yogurt and kifer is NOT good. It is not that yogurt/kifer is no good but it is how they are prepared. Commercial ones uses pasteurized milk and sugar as base... (It is a big NO NO) and the bacteria they tend to put in is so small in quantity and short lived. MAKE YOUR OWN...
5. Fermented food are good like Miso, Kimchi, olives
6. Stay away from antibiotics unless necessary.
7. Drink pure clean water. Chlorine kills good bacteria.. Eliminate chlorine by using simple carbon filters. Even boiling water will remove chlorine.
8. TAKE PROBIOTICS...Take probiotics on empty stomach, at least 15mins before meal. Make sure your buy from reputable manufacturer.

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