Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What has qigong done for me?

Before I go into this topic, perhaps I should give a brief and simplistic description of QiGong. Please do not take my explanation as gospel truth about QiGong because I am only a student of QiGong and still learning. But I like to share my thoughts and understanding of QiGong and you will know why QiGong has helped me.
I went into QiGong because someone told me that QiGong helps with cancer recovery. Some people have even gone as far to say that QiGong should be a part of cancer treatment. And I now know that they are right!

QiGong is a combination of physical movement and focused mental process. If one were to do the physical movement alone, it is just exercise. The combination of physical and mental exercise makes it QiGong. QiGong theory says that all living matter is made up of Chi. Chi can be loosely translated to 'energy'. Chi can form matter and matter can be made to dissipate to become energy. This is the reason in QiGong, it is believed that any disease can be cured. Tumors can be made to dissolve and any injury in the body can be made to heal by practicing QiGong. Chi is everywhere and abundantly in the universe. Another important idea is that we can move Chi around. All of us have the ability to move universe chi to human chi and vice verse. We can direct Chi to dissolve a tumor or form matter to heal our body. 
Each physical QiGong movement has a purpose and helps in strengthening, reinforcing or enhancing the flow of Chi in the body. By bringing Chi from the universe into our body, we ensure that our body has abundant Chi to do repair and enhance our bodily functions. Chi can be moved with our thoughts by focusing where-from and where-to. Visualization is the method of moving Chi. The mental concentration on visualization with physical movements gives each one of us the power of self-healing.

For me, initially it was difficult to perform both aspects - form and concentration. But after a few weeks of practice, even at such an early stage, I could feel the benefits of QiGong. Initially, I was told to visualize that my cancer cells were dissipating from my body whenever I practice QiGong. I exchanged Chi between my body and the Universe. I did this for a few weeks and, then one day when I was trying to focus to dissipate the cancer cells, an overwhelming realization came over me that the cancer was no longer in my body. There was no cancer cells to dissipate. I knew then from that day, I was healed. My subsequent PET scan confirmed it. (by the way, it was about the same time that 'warm feeling' came over me in church).
The key thing is QiGong helped me focused positively on my health and not on the cancer. QiGong gave me the belief that I can beat this cancer and be on top of my cancer. QiGong also gave me 'me time', another important life lesson I have discovered with this cancer experience. It took me 50 years to realize this one important aspect of life. I am fortunate that I have been given a second chance in life and I hope not to screw it up.
My cancer was the worst thing that happened to me but the experience was 'life giving' to me. It made me realized things that are important in life and how each moment is a blessing from God, so I should treasure, embrace and live the moment that is given to me.

Below are some books which can definitely better explain QiGong.


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