Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Using your own immune system to beat cancer

There is another advancement in the treatment of cancer by improving cancer cells visibility to your immune system. Once the immune system recognises the cancer cell, they can 'whack' the cancer cells.

The method is similar to a vaccine. By 'teaching' the immune system to recognised the cancer cells, it goes after the cancer cells and kills them. The best part about this method, it does not impact the healthy cells like the traditional treatments.

Read the article here

“By expressing all of these proteins in highly immunogenic viruses, we increased their visibility to the immune system,” says study author Richard Vile from Mayo Clinic. “The immune system now thinks it is being invaded by the viruses, which are expressing cancer-related antigens that should be eliminated.”
There were no observed side effects and no trace of autoimmune disease in the mice; their immune cells attacked only cancerous cells.

Trails of this method will begin in 2 years. Hopefully in about 5 years, we will have this as treatment. This seems very promising.

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