Friday, September 3, 2010

So you have cancer.. now what?

"Be positive. Your correct mindset is 50% of the battle." Everyone knows this.

This is easier said than done. Hopefully, what I will say here will in some ways help you come to terms with cancer.

It is easy to say that "You have to have a positive mindset". It is definitely easier to dish out this statement than to actually belief and internalize the statement. However, believe me when I say they are right. It is very important aspect in order to beat cancer. Yes, all these people are correct. You have to figure a way to 'internalised' this statement. And I will share with you a few methods.

Face up to it 1:
You have cancer. There is nothing you can do about it. It is there. Of course you can have a second opinion and by all means do that. But if it is confirmed that you have cancer - you will have to face up to it.

" I am no super human. When I was told that I had cancer, my whole life just flashed before my eyes. My mind was on overdrive, thinking about those things I have not done for the family. When everything settled, I cried. I was hurt, I was disappointed. The thing I dread most and I have it. Then the 'why me' question started. I have led a healthy lifestyle - no smoking, no drinking, exercise everyday, ample sleep so why did I get this dreaded disease?"
Then I realized that I was not going to get any answers to my question regardless of how much ranting I did. 

Face up to it 2:
The most important thing to know is not that you have cancer but what you are going to do about it? This is extremely important answer.

" When I moved into this phase, I thought doctors knew best. The conventional treatment was surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. I have seen my mother go through surgery and radiotherapy but I could not say I know how it felt then.
I didn't know any better then and I thought the doctors knew best. But after going through chemo treatment myself, I do know now. To say it is tough going is an understatement. During chemo, I often thought to myself there must be a better treatment than this. After all billions that have been poured into looking for cancer treatment and is this all medical science can give? That's when I started to look for information on cancer treatment."

I am not advicing you not to do the conventional treatment. It is an individual decision. What I am saying is just do more research first. Doctors are bound by some kind of oath to only prescribe 'proven' treatments. Just remember, it is your life not the doctors. You have the final decision to take charge of your own life - they way you want to live it.

Once you have decided on a course of treatment, stick with it.

Belief... belief... belief....

Belief that the choice of treatment you take will cure you. Let me tell you this - belief is going to make all the difference. This plays such an important role in your fight with cancer. With this belief, you arm yourself with one more powerful weapon against cancer - self healing. Do not underestimate the power of self-healing. I will discuss this topic in a separate section.

Noting else matters

Once you begin treatment, nothing else matters in your life except to beat the cancer. Put your mind, heart and soul into this one thought "I am going to beat this cancer" every day, every waking minute.

Your other family members does not matter. Your job does not matter. Your physical appearance does not matter. Nothing else matters but beating this cancer.

Make this sole goal such a focused effort that it consumes you totally. Do what you belief will help you this single goal. I will share with you methods which you can use to achieve this in later sections.

Think of positive things only. Cast away negative thoughts on anything. Don't think about the cancer. No two thoughts can occupy your mind at the same time. So if you feel like you are thinking about your cancer, just do something else.

For me, I kept a couple of things to divert my attention. I started to plant vegetables in a small plot. It is really a distraction to watch things grow. I also started a blog to keep myself busy, check it out at . Starting a blog is easy. I also like to doodle and I bought a pen tablet and started drawing ugly things.

So, do something to distract yourself. Watch movies. Read a uplifting books. Read comics (this really help me a lot). There are many things you can do to distract yourself from constantly thinking about your cancer.

You may have chosen, like I have, to go with conventional treatment. I completed 12 rounds chemotherapy. So how do you cope with chemotherapy? This will be covered in the next chapter.

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