Saturday, September 10, 2011

Imagine that there was something which could just be injected into cancer cells and only kill the cancer cells without injury surrounding healthy cells. Wouldn't be nice if we could just swallow this as a normal pill and then this 'something' can go into the bloodstream (and not harming it any any way) seek out those 'nasty buggers' - cancer cells and embedded themselves in there and eventually killing them (cancer cells). That something would also die off since the 'host' died. So it is self-cleansing. To me this would be the 'holy grail solution' to cancer prevention and cancer treatment. These are the type of solutions our scientist and doctors should be focusing on. I get so irritated when I see hospitals telling people that they have the latest technology like tomotherapy (which they claims cures cancers on their billboards). Although, I am sure tomotherapy works but curing cancer? And what about the side effects of radiation?... oh I getting the best of myself.. sorry...coming back to the topic...

Actually, it is not so far - fetched. I came across this article something of the above (ok I may have exaggerated a bit), but seems like they have found a harmless type bacteria in the soil which can do this trick.

The bacteria which have existed since the times of dinosaurs lives on deprived oxygen environment, or well it seeks out these type of environment. Guess what! CANCER cells are deprived-oxygen environment. At that is the theory. Read that article here. Clinical trails to start in 2013, so it is not so far off.

I am always excited whenever some discoveries or techniques are been research and explored to get rid of cancer. I just hope all these breakthrough will be discovered in my lifetime.

As always.. 


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