Monday, July 30, 2012

How long does it take to have cancer?

One thing that when I was diagnosed with cancer was to think back when I actually got it and the causes. Not because I was looking at sometime to blame but to understand so that I could prevent future relapses.

I talked to an Ayurvedic doctor and he told me that cancer takes times to develop. According to him, cancer may not develop in one or two years but many years before. I stumbled on this article which basically says the same thing.

What I believe to take away from the doctor's advice and the article is that what you do now impacts you 5 to 10 years down the road. Cancer may take decades to develop and then become dangerous. So while the cancer is developing and if you could do something to shrink and eliminate it, you could possibly have avoided being a cancer victim altogether. Now, isn't that a nice thought! I like what the article says "It's simple: what we do today determines our risk for disease tomorrow."

So start TODAY.. and reduce risk of most chronic, degenerative conditions, including almost all types of cancer:
  1. Limit intake of refined sugar.
  2. Limit intake of unhealthy oils that are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Limit exposure to ionizing radiation and electromagnetic fields.
  4. Avoid use of oral contraceptives and hormone replacement drugs whenever possible.
  5. Minimize exposure to exogenous toxins like pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, dioxins, asbestos, volatile organic compounds, and polychlorinated biphenyls.
  6. Minimize or completely avoid use of recreational drugs.
  7. Optimize vitamin D status.
  8. Work at getting regular aerobic exercise and restful sleep.
  9. Strive to be emotionally balanced i.e. avoid living in a fight/flight state where sympathetic nervous system output dominates parasympathetic (rest/digest) tone.

1 comment:

  1. Very good content. I had prostate cancer last 2001 and I believe the acidic drink Diet Coke was the cause. Eight years later I learned about the acid-alkaline balance of the fluids in our body.
    The fluids in our body should be above pH 7.365.

    We need to drink Ionized Anti Oxidant Alkaline Water. I had no idea what alkaline water was about.

    You recommendations are excellent. I just wanted to add, drink 8-10 glasses of ionized water. I invested in a portable machine made by a 38 year old Japanese Company which follows three ISO standards. There are over 500,000 users of the machine for the supply of alkaline water worldwide, that is why I Invested in it.
    For more info send me an email or call me 832 671 6490. No more of the chemo poison or radiation. Spread the word.


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