Thursday, April 19, 2012

What has poor gut got to do with cancer?

When I completed my Chemo, I went straight to a Ayurvedic doctor and ask for help. He immediately put on a high dose of probiotics and diet. At that time, I couldn't figure why but after 2 years of learning more about cancer and prevention -- it makes a lot of sense to me now.

The Gut is the first place where food enters. We know good nutrition is vital to cancer prevention. Good nutrition with bad absorption is just wasting good stuff. In fact, if the gut is poor cause more toxins in the system and create even more problems like IBS, Crohn disease and ulcerative colitis.

After doing conventional cancer treatment, the gut has gone through a traumatic experience and probably compromised. My ayurvedic doctor was trying to make my gut heal. It will take some time but I understand now - why.

Here is another article why poor gut can cause cancer.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why you should throw away your microwave?

I know microwave is the miracle invention for lazy people like me.. but after reading this article where a groups of students ...let me repeat... young students carried out an experiment where they watered plants with micorwaved water and other other plant with just tap water....

Guess what happened to the plant with microwaved water --- kaput, dead, six-feet underground. If microwaved water does this to a plant imagine you eating food that has been microwaved!....

In plain English, microwave works on the principle that it vibrates the water molecules in the food and this generates heat.

Anyway, you read the article for yourself and for me ... it is to the recycling centre.

Click to read the article