Thursday, September 23, 2010

How does cancer develop?

I am going to use simple explanation what I know about how cancer comes about. I am not a medical expert or a scientist. There are a number of versions but these are the ones that made sense to me.

However, if you ask a conventional doctor why do people get cancer? The typical answer will be "Nobody really knows". I find this odd because it is like they took a sacred oath that they cannot reveal the how cancer happens. But maybe it is as simple as that they cannot tell you what they believe to be the cause because there is no scientific proof of it. Anyway, it is alright because the Net provides lots of possible answers. Just believe what you make sense to you. Some of these do make sense to me.

The general consensus is this. Cancer cells are actually normal body cells that have gone havoc. Something in them has gone wrong in cell genetics and the rogue cells start to replicate uncontrollably to the extend it hinders proper function of that body part.  Cells are constantly being created and die. It is the body’s normal mode of operation. Sometimes new cells have a defect in them. In a normal person, the cells will automatically die off. If that doesn’t happen, the body’s immune system will go after the defective cells and kill them. The problem starts when the immune system is compromised and cannot go after the defective cells. If these defective cells start to replicate themselves ferociously, it then is called cancerous. These defective cells can travel to other parts of the body and repeat the process. This ability to replicate rapidly and travel in the body makes cancer one of mankind’s dreaded disease. Here is a video showing how cancer moves.

Another explanation is called angiogenesis. Cells replicate because they are supplied with nutrients. Nutrients are delivered via blood capillaries. Think about when you have a cut, in matter of hours the wound dries up and the wound starts to heal by itself without any medication. When the body detects a wound, capillaries are extended to the wound area to supply more nutrients to the area. Cells start to build up more rapidly surrounding the wound area and magically, the wound heals. Once the wound heals, the capillaries retracts to normal level and supply the area with normal amount of nutrients, thus maintaining normal growth. Sometimes in some parts of the body, these capillaries go wrong and continue to supply more nutrients to the specific area. Cells start build up at a rapid pace without slowing down. The overgrowth becomes a problem and interferes with normal function of the body.  There a video which explain this.

Age, genetics and environment influences angiogenesis to creation of defective cells. As you age, more defective cells are created. You may also have inherited ‘not-so-fantastic’ genes which can increase the defective cell production. Age and genetics are things we cannot control. However, environment factors are things we can control. So what are environmental factors?

Environmental factors
•    Food and drinks we take
•    Lifestyle – smoking,  body rest and relaxation, STRESS management

•    Exposure – living in unhealthy environments, etc.

These are things we can control. In the following chapters, I will discuss these topics in more detail.

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